Brought to you by Inside Self-Storage. June, 2026 on Maui.
A self storage gathering like no other.
Enjoy unparalleled education and networking in unassuming luxury.
Have an unforgettable experience in an incredible place.
Brought to you by Inside Self-Storage. June, 2026 on Maui.
Enjoy unparalleled education and networking in unassuming luxury.
Have an unforgettable experience in an incredible place.
Our home for June 2026 will be the Sheraton Maui. Wow! What a beautiful place...
“This was my first Unconference and the “Un” part was a refreshing respite from the pace of other industry gatherings I regularly attend. It allowed time to get into the details which make our stores really tick and we all learned a lot from each other. But the highlight was the relationships – strengthening old ones and establishing some great new ones. If you get the chance next year, go!”
Nathan McElmurry
“ The Unconference provided a relaxed environment to discuss storage industry topics with peers. Very good atmosphere and educational structure.”
Peter Maginnis
“This was a great time to network with like-minded people and in a great place to relax and take in the information. I would highly recommend others to check this out. It was not just information but also a great time to enjoy the inland with my wife. Tron thank you for putting this together. See you next year.”
Tony Johnson
“The UnConference was easily the best conference I have attended all year. The level of peer-to-peer conversation and the interactive sessions make it absolutely the best return for time and dollars spent. Don’t miss it in 2024!”
Alese Johnston
“Thank you again for hosting such a great conference! I thoroughly enjoyed decompressing from the daily stressors while being enriched with a wealth of knowledge and information. Making new friends and gaining access to resources that can help me with my business is a great plus! I have benefitted tremendously from attending the unConference!”
Hannah Murphy
“When I first heard of your “unConference” years ago I scratched my head and said unConference???" Well you knew what you were doing. I have been in private business for over 40 years and can’t tell you how many conferences I have attended. Your unConference is so refreshing, personal and just plain fun. I felt honored to be an “expert in residence” (another Tron word). I met some wonderful people and was very happy to my lunch/learn was so well attended. I look forward to your next UnConference.”
Rick Pendykoski
“The unconference is a great value because it allows for some much needed R&R as well as networking, getting questions answered and listening to and gaining knowledge from everyone. Who wouldn't want to watch the sunset in Hawaii while on business?”
Angelique Raby
Making new friends and catching up with old friends.
Here we are at our 2023 Tuesday evening welcome reception.
View the photo album from our 2023 gathering with this link.
Here we are at the opening reception for our 2022 event. Registration for our self storage conference is limited to 100 participants, so everyone has a chance to get to know each other in more meaningful ways than possible in a standard conference. As an unconference, we have the flexibility to adapt content and presentations to your interests. There is no place better for networking and business group gatherings than the Big Island of Hawai'i.
Registration is open for our 2026 event!
At the beautiful Shertaon Maui at Ka'anapali beach.
Join us in June, 2026
Sign up early and take advantage of the best rates.
Stay for the entire week, or come for the main sessions days. We ofers a splendid location for opening your mind, relaxing your body, and soothing your spirit.
We'll have work sessions in the mornings and networking the rest of the day. Would you like to get a discount code that saves you money off of the cost of your full registration? Contact one of our sponsors. Go to the sponsor page with this link.
Learn, share, network, and grow your business with new friends, old friends, and a beautiful view.
We extend a special "Thank You" to Inside Self-Storage for sponsoring our Lei Greeting on Tuesday evening.
Go to the Hawai'i Community Foundation for more information.
Enjoying the sunset and the great company at our opening reception.
the flowers
Spend a few days before the gathering to get into the Aloha zone. Enjoy the island. Join in some of our pre un-conference activities. Then stay a little longer. Our fantastic room rates make it possible to have a great business trip and a great personal trip all in one.
The un-conference is meant to feed your soul, and to build your business power. Let your kids see you in your element. Share the beauty of the Big Island with your spouse. Rest your body. Reset your mind. Reconnect with your loved ones.
Reserve your place before we sell out. The unconference may be the best investment you make in your business this year. The connections will be priceless. The knowledge you gain will be powerful. The experiences you share will be invigorating.
Contact one of our wonderful sponsors and ask them for a discount code toward your registration rate.
We'll take time to explore trends, look at upcoming innovations, and talk about the future. We'll take a broad look at what is going on in the world today, what is likely to happen soon, and how we can prepare ourselves. We are going to run a future-proofing game to see how things could turn out.
Hear from our experts in residence and other attendees about the most interesting and daunting potential disruptions to the traditional self storage business. There will be plenty of time for Q and A at this self storage conference. There is plenty of time for discussions among the group as we try to make sense of what may or may not upend our businesses.
The speed and intensity in which private equity groups have recently built self storage portfolios should be of great interest to everyone in the business. What is next for them? How will that impact the rest of us? How do we apply their practices? This self storage conference is about asking big questions.
We all love to pay taxes because it means we are making money, growing asset value, and contributing to the well-being of our communities. But no one wants to pay more than their fair share. What strategies can be used to manage your tax liabilities in the right direction?
Pay attention as we dig deeper into the practices and performance of the self storage REITs. We'll discuss their impressions of the business, and their plans for the future. Anyone in the self storage business needs to listen carefully since the REITs carry so much power and influence. The REITs drive some sectors of our business and some of the major markets. Will they further dominate and continue to roll-up the industry?
How do we make money and save money while reducing pollution, waste, and global warming? We have proven to be business innovators by inventing the self-storage industry. How do we use our drive and creativity to create the next wave of prosperity?
Explore strategies for serving your un-housed or homeless tenants for their self-storage needs, without having people use your units for prohibited activities.
Employees are our partners in successful operations. But it only takes one bad apple to wreak havoc. We'll discuss best practices for preventing and diagnosing fraudulent behavior.
No self-storage discussion is complete without talking about automation, self-service, and contact-less business strategies. We'll share successes and talk about the challenges.
How well is your online booking engine performing? We'll be focusing on your web and app conversions as we explore Conversion Science.
What are the latest trends and best practices around using portable storage units? Are they really only for filling up space you can't build on? How are they being used to build entire projects? What could you do with them? What about pick and delivery of portable units?
the welcoming feeling of the lobby
About Tron Jordheim, the organizer. And more about the unConference. From Hacking Self Storage
69-275 Waikoloa Beach Drive, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii 96738 USA
We are pleased to support these great organizations. Please help them as well.
Copyright © 2024. The Self Storage Hawai'i unConference - Brought to you by Inside Self-Storage. All Rights Reserved. Produced by Self Storage Strategies.